Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fun at the Park

Hi Everyone! Hope that this cold, rainy weather isn't getting you down! It's definitely slowed down my social schedule, as I really don't like getting wet, unless of course it involves my bathtub! Oh well! As for my weekly updates...I recently decided that I like getting up at 6am better my old 7am time frame. That extra hour really lets me get an early start on playing with my toys, crawling around my room and my usual baby mischief. I guess that decision didn't take too well with Mommy and Daddy, as they were hoping that I'd let them sleep in a bit extra, especially on the weekend. Boy are they wrong! As for other fun stuff, I spent a bunch of time at the park on Saturday and practiced walking with my push toy. It was so much fun...especially when all the cute girls kept stopping by to tell me how cute I am...! I also got to roll around on the grass and go exploring. I even tried to join in on a volley ball match - but Daddy snatched me before I could get the ball...oh well, maybe next time. Lastly, I have also decided that I really, really, really like people food, especially the German pancakes Daddy makes me on Sundays. They are soooooo tasty and I eat them all up! I also really like eating chicken, turkey, veal sausages, pasta, bananas and cheese! Especially cheese!!!

Later Peeps!

What is this Stuff?

I'm An Artist! And Yes, I'm Naked.

Striking a Cute Pose

Sampling My "Cu" Cakes (aka: German Pancakes)