Hi Everyone! I hope that you're all doing great! I certainly am!!! I've spent the last few weeks getting to know my new house and my new neighborhood. I was especially lucky this week that the weather is sooooooo nice! I've been running around my yard and getting dirty! I love playing in the mud and splashing around in the puddles from all the melted snow...
I've also spent a lot of time playing with my Thomas trains...as you might remember, I got a big Thomas Train for Christmas...and my cousin Willow gave me like a million trains...so I've kind of become addicted to Thomas! You should see my play room - i've got a train set, tons of DVDs, books and all sorts of Thomas stuff! You should come over and play some time!
I've also been practicing saying new words like train, baby, cup, fish, carrot and a few others...but I am really taking my time. Basically, I just like to point at stuff and ask Mommy "dis?" then she tells me what "dis" is. Pretty soon I am going to surprise her and Daddy with a full sentence! For now, I'll take my time!!!
I am also getting ready for my little sister! She should be arriving before Memorial Day, so hopefully she won't mess up my plans for the beach! You know how I love the beach! Mommy even bought me new board shorts and cool shirts so that I look super stylish while I catch some waves...and this year, Daddy is going to show me how to body surf! I can't wait!
Anyway, that's all for now! Please enjoy my latest slide shows...you'll even see me in my nifty snow suit running through the snow!