As you all probably know by now, we are going to be moving to our new house in just under two weeks, and so you can imagine how busy I have been with packing up all of my stuff...And man, do I have a lot of stuff! I have filled so many boxes already that I am running out of room to play! But I can wait to test out my new room and play area...I am very excited!
I am also very excited because Mommy told me that I am going to be a big brother in just a few months!!! That's right, I am going to have a new little baby brother or sister in May! I can't wait!! It's going to be so much fun! I am going to teach them all about getting into trouble and using "cuteness" skills to get out of trouble!
Also, I was lucky enough to meet Santa again this year! Yep, he was visiting at my Aunt Emily's shop and I stopped by to say hi and tell him all about the things I was wishing for at Christmas (like world peace, no more hunger and that kind of stuff). He was so nice and even gave me a tasty candy cane! It was loads of fun!
Anyway, I hope that you are all doing great and that you have all been nice this year so that Santa can give you great big presents! I can't wait to see what I am getting!
See you later!